I'm a student at Rochester Institute of Technology working towards my bachelor degree in Game Design and Development. I am looking for a summer 2024 Co-op using skills in object oriented programming and working in teams.

I love both the technical and artistic aspects of development. Function and form work hand-in-hand, so I make it a point to develop with the user's experience in mind.

Game Design

Changeling logo

Changeling VR

Changeling VR is a first-person VR narrative mystery game that has been in development for more than two years and developed by teams with up to 80 people.

  • Goal: To collaborate with a large team to develop a game while learning a new engine and development process.
  • When: Summer 2023
  • Role: Onboarding Designer and Developer
  • Responsibilities: Design and implement onboarding to introduce players to the VR controls and mechanics of the game. Also take notes during standups and document design choices and development.
  • Tools: Unreal Engine, Perforce, C++
  • Learned: How to work effectively in a large team, utilizing some ideas of scrum such as daily standups, task backlogs, and playtests after each sprint.

Good Luck

Good Luck is a 2D, infinite dungeon crawling rouge-like game with bullet hell elements, created by a team of 4 for a class project.

  • Goal: To gain an understanding of game systems such as the game loop and finite state machines, as well as learn how to collaborate with others to create a playable demo.
  • When: Spring 2022
  • Role: Level Generation
  • Responsibilities: Generate the levels by reading in rooms from files, generating room connections, moving between rooms, generating objects in rooms, and transitioning between levels. I had also worked on creating persisting data in the form of a high score.
  • Tools: C# using the MonoGame framework
  • Learned: How to implement development tools and level files in game production.

Bone Zone

Bone Zone is a resource management, area control board game created by a team of 5 for a class project.

  • Goal: To gain an understanding of game production and the iterative nature of design and development while working in a team.
  • When: Fall 2022
  • Role: Team Coordinator and Rules Organizer
  • Responsibilities: Organizing meetings, taking notes, assigning roles, and making sure everyone does their part and knows what is happening. In addition to this, I was writing and designing the rules sheet.
  • Tools: Photoshop
  • Learned: Playtesting is not only important to do often, but with intention and with specific questions in mind.

Browser Based

Non-Pictorial Chat

Non-Pictorial Chat is an application and server created using the MVC pattern along with HTML, CSS, Node.js, and JavaScript.

  • Goal: Create an application that allows people to communicate across the web.
  • When: Fall 2023
  • Role: Sole Programmer
  • Responsibilities: Come up with a web application and develop it from scratch, along with a server using the MVC pattern that allows for sessions, database usage, account storage, and conforms with a linting standard.
  • Tools: HTML, Handlebars, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Redis, MongoDB, Express, WebPack, socket.io
  • Learned: The importance of storing data on the server so that the user cannot change it or access what they're not supposed to.

Pokemon Finder

This is a tool I created for a class project that allows you to search through pokemon and find their locations in game. There are some improvements I could make and the API I used isn't fully up to date, but as a learning exercise it was insightful to learn what goes into retrieving, using, and presenting data

  • Goal: To develop my skills in JavaScript as well as to gain an understanding of APIs.
  • When: Fall 2022
  • Role: Sole Programmer
  • Responsibilities: Retrieve data from the API, present that data to the user, and allow the user to search through the data.
  • Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PokéAPI
  • Learned: When developing a tool, it's important to provide instructions and labels that would be clear for any user, not just you.

Physical to Digital

I was tasked with recreating a physical design, such as a magazine page, into a webpage from scratch with HTML and CSS, then use that design to create my own page.

  • Goal: To develop my skills with HTML and CSS while creating a start for my portfolio.
  • When: Fall 2022
  • Role: Sole Programmer
  • Responsibilities: Make a one-to-one recreation of some physical media then adapt this recreation to fit a new purpose.
  • Tools: HTML, CSS
  • Learned: A great way to learn / relearn a new tool or language is to use it to recreate something.